Our Surgical Products
Our Suppliers

With many years experience in the industry, we aim to build and ensure a strong and successful footprint in South Africa for our principles with a focus on providingquality services, people, support and product to the medical industry with a special focus on high quality patient care.
Sure Medical (Pty) Ltd imports products from

Our Suppliers

With many years experience in the industry, we aim to build and ensure a strong and successful footprint in South Africa for our principles with a focus on providingquality services, people, support and product to the medical industry with a special focus on high quality patient care.
Sure Medical (Pty) Ltd imports products from

Contact details
All orders and queries
Tel: 012 347 0363
Email: info@suremedical.co.za
Ester Du Plooy
Tel: 079 311 1071
Email: ester@suremedical.co.za
Claudia Nel
Tel: 061 493 0768
Email: claudia@suremedical.co.za
Deleene Mahabeer
Tel: 071 557 4322
Email: deleenen@suremedical.co.za